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Learning and Sharing

As I have progressed through the implementation of blended learning in my classroom, there have been some bumps in the road. When I hit a bump, and there have been many, I often lean on the experience and advice of others. It's important to give back to the community from I've learned and share my lessons learned with other educators.

Resources: Text

Publication Draft

In an effort to promote blended learning, my colleague Anna and I have begun to reflect and write about our efforts to implement blended learning. Our goal is to publish our work as an article to help other educators implement blended learning in their own classrooms.


To help us improve our work, it is important for us to get feedback from other colleagues who are also working on blended learning. Along with Eboni and Chris, we created a peer review rubric for our group that will help guide us in creating an informative article that is clear and helpful. We received some great feedforward and an overall score of 48 out of 50. I feel that we're off to a good start and just need a couple more rounds of revisions before our article is ready for publishing!   

Resources: HTML Embed

Blended Learning Podcast

To gain more insight on blended learning, I sat down with my colleagues for a video discussion about our innovation plans. I wanted to learn about their perspectives on blended learning and share what I've been working on with my innovation plan.

Resources: Text

Blended Learning Podcast

Anna, Chris, Eboni, and I shared our thoughts about blended learning and how we hope to create a more authentic and personalized learning environment for our students. For an additional perspective on creating an authentic learning environment, Stephanie Noll, one of the top three finalists for New Mexico's 2022 Teacher of the Year, joined us as a special guest. You can learn more about each panelist by clicking on the bio link below.

Resources: Video


A curated list of resources to help stay on track as I continue this journey into blended learning.


For future reading:

The Blended Workbook - M. Horn & H. Staker: to help with the finer points of my implementation plan.

Start with Why - S. Sinak: help inspire others in my organization

Drive - D. Pink: learn more about motivation

Measuring What We Do in Schools - V. Bernhardt: learn how to effectively evaluate a program

UDL and Blended Learning - K. Novak & C. Tucker: ensure incorporation of UDL in online coursework


To stay current:

Christensen Institute: what's new in disruptive innovation.

Blended Learning Universe: speaks for itself search blended learning for helpful tools and articles.

Students at the Center HUB: resources, tools, and research on student-centered learning.

The Learning Accelerator: professional learning resources to help support innovation project implementation.

Aurora Institute: resources on competency-based learning.

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: learn about improvement science.

Edgenuity: blended learning resources for Edgenuity partners.







Resources: Text

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