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Becoming a Digital Learner & Leader

A look back at my ADL journey

Hello! Welcome to my ADL capstone reflection where I synthesize my learning and share with you how I became a digital leaner and leader. The Applied Digital Learning program at Lamar University has added such value to my life as a teacher and lifelong learner. I have not only transformed learning in my classroom, but I am prepared to effectively carry out change in my school through educational innovation.

ADL Synthesis: Welcome

The Journey

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My Products

The summaries below provide snapshots of my journey through the ADL program. I encourage you to click on the links in each summary to read more about each component.

Innovation Plan

All the components of my innovation plan provide the foundation for change. Disruptive innovation through blended learning moves education away from a one-size-fits-all model towards a personalized, active, and engaging experience. With my call to action video, I encourage other educators to join me in transforming learning for our students. I have already seen positive changes in my classroom with my pilot project.

Growth Mindset

My growth mindset plan helps me stay the course through the challenges of carrying out change. I incorporate growth mindset into my learning manifesto to breakdown teaching silos and create a community of practice in my school. But growth mindset is only one element of the learning mindset, which doesn't simply tell individuals to change their minds, it allows their beliefs and attitudes to change through the learning process.


Through the ongoing development of my ePortfolio, I have been able to synthesize my ideas through reflective writing. This ePortfolio is not just a repository for artifacts, it is a living record of my learning journey. 

Leading Organizational Change

To ensure the success of my innovation plan, I developed a plan to help me carry out and lead change. My why creates a clear vision for transforming our learning model and the change strategy incorporates the key elements for influencing, executing, and communicating change. 

Creating Significant Learning Environments

Through integrated course design and backwards planning, I created a learner-centered environment that takes into account all of the factors that promote effective learning. By proactively constructing a significant learning environment, educators can foster the conditions that facilitates deeper learning. 

EdTech Publication

An essential part of effective learning is collaboration. I collaborated with my peers throughout the ADL program, but we worked together on some special projects to communicate aspects of our innovation plans with the wider learning community. I coauthored an article that we submitted for publication and participated in a blended learning podcast discussion

Assessment Strategy

To gauge the impact of my innovation plan, I am using action research to measure and assess the impact of blended learning in my classroom. The research study will provide actionable data and support continuous improvement.

Instructional Strategies

I created a project-based learning plan through the Creative Instructional Strategies course. PBL provides another opportunity for students to engage in authentic learning to promote learner agency. 

Professional Learning

I've created a professional learning plan to encourage my colleagues to implement blended learning in their classrooms. To ensure effective and engaging learning, my plan addresses the 5 key factors of effective professional learning.

ADL Synthesis: Projects

Reflecting on the Journey

When I began my journey into the Applied Digital Learning program, I set out with the intention of learning how to effectively incorporate technology into my classroom. I knew that technology held immense possibilities for our students, but it was difficult to discern where to start. The ADL program promised to equip me with the tools I needed to "create innovative digital learning environments" (Lamar University, n.d.). But I had no idea how much the program would actually transform learning in my own classroom and increase my capacity to be a catalyst for change within my school. I set out to learn about educational technology, but I ended up with a learning experience that provided the space, resources, and freedom to create a digital learning environment of my own.

My Applied Digital Learning (ADL) program uses the COVA+CSLE approach to immerse students in a significant learning environment while shifting ownership of learning to the learner by giving them choice and voice through authentic learning (Harapnuik, n.d.). The concepts of choice and voice are so simple, yet the ability to actually exercise them in one’s own learning is powerfully transformative. The freedom that comes with truly owning your learning opened the door to engagement for me and led to deeper learning. I realized that through self-directed learning, I was becoming more engaged because I was in control. Although I was skeptical at the beginning of my innovation plan and unsure that I could ever implement blended learning, the ability to take ownership of my learning through an authentic project gave me purpose. With component, including measurement and publication, I chose the path for my learning and created the products for my audience. I went from skeptical to determined that I would transform learning in my school.

The concept of a significant learning environment goes well beyond the look and feel of a classroom. It is purposefully designed to effectively implement all the factors needed to support self-directed learning (Harapnuik, 2018). Within a structured environment, l was given the independence and support to investigate and experiment with my learning. The COVA approach and the learning environment where critical to my growth as a learner. Much like a gardener, who takes all of the resources available to them and creates the most effective environment to grow plants, a teacher can create the optimal conditions to cultivate learning (Thomas & Brown, 2011). The significant learning environment facilitated a cycle of learning (experiencing, reflecting, thinking, acting) to help me understand not only what and how I was learning, but how I could apply it every day in my classroom. This is usable knowledge that I have in toolbox to enhance blended learning with my next step using project-based learning.

The greatest impact of COVA+ CSLE on my learning has been the firsthand experience in a true learner-centered environment. Being able to direct my own learning and have autonomy in the production of my ePortfolio and innovation project has resulted in a deeper understanding of learner agency within a significant learning environment. Having experienced it firsthand, I feel fully prepared and confident in creating a significant learning environment for my students.

My learning philosophy has always encompassed active learning, but I was approaching it from the wrong direction. Rather than focusing on what to teach and finding ways to create active learning out of the content, the learner and their learning needs comes first. The content is simply another context for developing skills and a deeper understanding of ideas. The question becomes, “how do I create an environment that cultivates learning?” I also understand the importance of not using technology for the sake of technology. Tech needs to disappear into the environment to support and enhance learning, not overshadow it. I’ve also expanded my thinking about student attitudes and beliefs about learning. It is not sufficient to simply promote a growth mindset. I need to create the environment that fosters a learning mindset through challenge and mastery. Through the ADL program, I now have the knowledge and tools to create a structured environment that provides support while students investigate, experiment, and engage with their learning.

The cherry on top of this amazing learning experience is the preparedness I feel to drive and lead organizational change. I did not expect to gain practical business knowledge from this program, but that is exactly what the Influencer model, 4DX, and Crucial Conversations have provided. The opportunity to develop a professional learning plan that is tailored to the needs of my colleagues helped me understand how we can transform professional development for teachers. These programs provide the tools I need to ensure my innovation project is a success. While reflecting on my work in the program, one of the most significant realizations I have made is that you do not need to be an expert to take steps towards change. The act of trying, of working towards something better allows me to lead by example.

When I began my journey into digital learning, one of the first things I created was my ePortfolio site which I named Training the Mind. I was inspired my Einstein’s quote, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think,” and, as I wrote in my learning manifesto, I liked the association of the word training to a process of improvement. Improvement was why I was on this journey in the first place - I wanted to improve my teaching and, in turn, improve the learning in my classroom. But I had no idea just how much the ADL program would force me to flex my mental muscles and truly impact what I believe about learning.

ADL Synthesis: Text


Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). CSLE+COVA. Retrieved from

Harapnuik, D. (2018). CSLE. Retrieved from

Lamar University. (n.d.). Online M.Ed. Applied Digital Learning at Lamar University. Retrieved July 20, 2022, from

Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant

     change. Lexington, KY: CreateSpace.

ADL Synthesis: Text

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