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Action Research

To help improve upon my practice of blended learning, I have started an action research project to investigate its effect on student engagement in my class. Action research allows me to become a researcher of my own instructional practice through systematic inquiry. I've undertaken this project to improve learning in my classroom and strengthen my educational practices.

The first phase in action research is the planning stage. This stage includes developing an essential research question, reviewing existing research related to the topic, and developing a detailed plan of how and when. The products of my planning stage, including my research outline, literature review, and research plan, are below. 

Action Research: About


Click on the link below to read an overview of my action research study.

Literature Review

Click on the link below to read my review of the literature on the effectiveness of blended learning and its impact on student engagement.


Click on the link below to read my full action research plan.

Action Research: List
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