I initially thought an ePortfolio was going to be something of a repository to hold my assignments and artifacts from the ADL program. A portfolio, after all, is a collection of work curated to demonstrate one's abilities and used by others to assess said work. The "e" part just makes it digital, right?? Wrong. And I'm so glad I was wrong. A small part of the ePortfolio is about displaying your work, but for the most part, and more importantly, it is about your learning. Developing and updating an ePortfolio allows you to create, reflect, synthesize, and go deep into your learning. Yes, part of an ePortfolio is fulfilling an assignment requirement for class, but the learning is more profound because you decide how you will fulfill the assignment, how you will display it, and how all the parts of your ePortfolio fit together. By synthesizing all of this information, you are able to reflect and develop a deeper understanding of your learning.
Why use an ePortfolio?
Updated: Jul 21, 2021