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  • melmtz24

Who owns the ePortfolio?

It has taken me some time to wrap my head around the answer to this question. Why? It's obvious, isn't it? The learner owns the ePortfolio because it's their work. Yes, but to have true ownership over something it has to be created and developed by the learner. So then the bigger question becomes, is the ePortfolio being graded or assessed in a manner that gives the freedom of creation and development to the learner? I didn't really appreciate the weight of this question at first. The ADL program is using the COVA approach to learning, so I know I have choice, voice, and ownership in my learning. But the goal is much bigger than one program at one University. What am I doing in my classroom to give students ownership over their learning? How am I helping them create authentic learning that is relevant to them? It's a change in perspective really. I don't own their learning or their grades, they do. I realize that it will take time to implement change in my classroom, but this simple question will help me keep this change in perspective.

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As I progress in the development of my ePortfolio, I'm beginning to gain a deeper understanding of student ownership. The idea that a...


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